Filter for Brunei Darussalam Government Actions to Stop the Spread of Coronavirus

Date | Description Link
2020-07-06 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Commencing new activities on 06 July 2020
2020-07-04 Out Social distancing: Schools closure 
Increasing the following activities to be escalated from Level 2 to Level 3 commencing on 04 July 2020: schools
2020-07-03 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
yellow BruHealth code holders will be allowed to perform Friday prayers in mosques, surau and musalla throughout country
2020-07-01 In Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Arcade and Indoor Playground is not permiteed to open and will be officially announced at a later date. Any individual found to be in violation of or disobey any order issued shall be an offense under the Infectious Diseases Act (Section 204) which carries a fine of up to $10,000 or imprisonment up to 6 months or both. The Ministry will not hesitate to take legal action against anyone who does not comply with the directives issued.
2020-07-01 Out Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Mass Gathering will be permitted but is limited to not more than 50 people only. Any individual found to be in violation of or disobey any order issued shall be an offense under the Infectious Diseases Act (Section 204) which carries a fine of up to $10,000 or imprisonment up to 6 months or both. The Ministry will not hesitate to take legal action against anyone who does not comply with the directives issued.
2020-06-30 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
Surveillance and enforcement of parameters on business premises, especially places that serve food.
2020-06-23 In Public health measures: Testing policy
Because covid testing may be required to enter other countries, it is being offered to people in Brunei.
2020-06-18 Out Social distancing: Schools closure 
Reductons of social distancing measures commenting 18 June 2020 for schools. Any individual found to be in violation of or disobey any order issued shall be an offense under the Infectious Diseases Act (Section 204) which carries a fine of up to $10,000 or imprisonment up to 6 months or both. The Ministry will not hesitate to take legal action against anyone who does not comply with the directives issued.
2020-06-15 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Reductons of social distancing measures commenting 15 June 2020 for mentioned businesses and public spaces. Any individual found to be in violation of or disobey any order issued shall be an offense under the Infectious Diseases Act (Section 204) which carries a fine of up to $10,000 or imprisonment up to 6 months or both. The Ministry will not hesitate to take legal action against anyone who does not comply with the directives issued.
2020-06-04 Out Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
additional reduction of social distancing measures this time will involve schools. Any individual found to be in violation of or disobey any order issued shall be an offense under the Infectious Diseases Act (Section 204) which carries a fine of up to $10,000 or imprisonment up to 6 months or both. The Ministry will not hesitate to take legal action against anyone who does not comply with the directives issued.
2020-06-04 Out Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
additional reduction of this social distancing measures will commence on Friday, 13 Syawal 1441H / 5 June 2020. Any individual found to be in violation of or disobey any order issued shall be an offense under the Infectious Diseases Act (Section 204) which carries a fine of up to $10,000 or imprisonment up to 6 months or both. The Ministry will not hesitate to take legal action against anyone who does not comply with the directives issued.
2020-06-04 In Movement restrictions: Checkpoints within the country
Conduct body temperature checks on all customers at the entrance and ensure the customers obey the guidelines on social distancing. Any individual found to be in violation of or disobey any order issued shall be an offense under the Infectious Diseases Act (Section 204) which carries a fine of up to $10,000 or imprisonment up to 6 months or both. The Ministry will not hesitate to take legal action against anyone who does not comply with the directives issued.
2020-06-02 Out Social distancing: Schools closure 
opening of schooling session on the 2nd of June
2020-05-29 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
All mosques will be opened for the public to perform their Friday Prayers commencing 29 May 2020
2020-05-22 In Public health measures: Requirement to wear protective gear in public
Runners not wearing required PPE may be subject to legal action and cancellation of their permit
2020-05-21 In Public health measures: General recommendations
Guidelines for the celebration of Eid Aidifitri
2020-05-21 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Guidelines for the celebration of Eid Aidifitri
2020-05-21 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Guidelines for the celebration of Eid Aidifitri
2020-05-21 In Social distancing: Schools closure 
online plan for the students.
2020-05-20 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
Ramadhan Is the Best Opportunity to Quit Smoking
2020-05-20 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Reopening Of Fitness Centres at 30% cpacity
2020-05-20 Out Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established
Regulaations for reopening
2020-05-20 In Public health measures: General recommendations
Premises in the country are encouraged to download their respective QR codes through the BruHealth app. However, the Minister of Health did not deny the possibility that the app registration will become mandatory.
2020-05-19 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
Members of the public who have not registered are encouraged to download and register to the Bruhealth App.
2020-05-18 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
Members of the public who wish to go to the mosque are required to use the BruHealth app. The Minister of Religious Affairs explained that the app is used as a control system to decide the health level of a person who wish to pray at the mosque.
2020-05-18 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
Members of the public visiting restaurants are required to scan the QR code before and after entering the premise.
2020-05-18 In Movement restrictions: Checkpoints within the country
The public visiting the Pasar Pelbagai Barangan Gadong are required to comply with the rules set by the Ministry of Health. As RTB Crew observed the market yesterday afternoon, customers are required to take a body temperature check before entering the market.
2020-05-18 In Public health measures: Requirement to wear protective gear in public
Must bring face mask to mosque
2020-05-18 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Distribution of Food Packs to the Underprivileged
2020-05-17 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
continue to not organizing mass gatherings or meeting in large groups, practicing physical distancing and leaving the house only when needed especially for high risk individuals such as the elderly and children, and to practice proper hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette. Legal action will also be taken against the public who disregards or violates the rules and directives.
2020-05-16 Out Lockdown: Partial lockdown
all Driving Schools in the four districts were being reopened as of 16th May. The statement is based on the announcement by the Ministry of Health on the implementation of ’de-escalation’ plan measures. Yesterday morning a crew from RTB visited a driving school in the country.
2020-05-16 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
mosques will be re-opened for Friday prayers
2020-05-16 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
All food premises including restaurants, eatery, cafe and food court will be allowed to serve food for dine-in at their premises. Seating for dine-in to comply with the requirements and do not accept customers more than 30% of their capacity
2020-05-16 Out Lockdown: Partial lockdown
The reduction of social distancing measures will be implemented in phases/levels by imposing certain conditions beginning on Saturday, 22 Ramadhan 1441H / 16 May 2020. Any individual found to be in violation of or disobey any order issued shall be an offense under the Infectious Diseases Act (Section 204) which carries a fine of up to $10,000 or imprisonment up to 6 months or both. The Ministry will not hesitate to take legal action against anyone who does not comply with the directives issued.
2020-05-16 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
The Ministry of Health will continue to monitor the situation of the outbreak at the national as well as regional and global level and carry out ongoing risk assessments to consider further mitigation measures. If the outbreak is again alarming, the Ministry of Health will not hesitate to tighten the social distancing measures that needs to be taken to control the outbreak
2020-05-16 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
Bruhealth App shall be used for the purpose of exit and entry to premises that have been given flexibility such as restaurants, café, food stall, golf courses, sports facilities and others
2020-05-16 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Presentation and Distribution of ’BRC COVID-19 Hygiene Pack’ for senior citizens and people with special needs.
2020-05-15 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
Blood Donation Campaign
2020-05-15 In Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
The Department of Health Services informed of changes in service hours at all health centres in the Belait District.
2020-05-14 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
re-open the sports facilities and centres in phases
2020-05-14 In Socio-economic measures: Limit product imports/exports
All parcels arriving from overseas will be quarantine for 72 hours and need to undergo normal screening process such as customs x-ray before the sorting process.
2020-05-13 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
The buy local produce campaign will continue to be held as an encouragement to the local farmers to avoid price ceiling and at the same time, contributing to the country’s supply.
2020-05-13 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
Campaign for the COVID-19 Relief Fund has collected more than $14.1 million. The Ministry of Finance and Economy urged the public to make their contribution to the fund in together assisting the government in funding the COVID-19 related necessities.
2020-05-12 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
various agencies continue contributing to the Government of His Majesty specifically the Ministry of Health.
2020-05-06 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
APEC economies agree to keep markets open and trade flowing
2020-05-04 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
Contact Tracing Application
2020-05-04 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
The Temporary Closure for All Mosques, Suraus and Religious Halls in the Country Has Been Extended For 24 Days
2020-05-03 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
Nationwide COVID-19 Monitoring Survey
2020-05-01 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports has set up a "Food Truck" service throughout the month of Ramadan to facilitate the public to buy meals for breaking of fasts.
2020-04-30 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
Monitoring Devices in Form of Bracelet; worn by those undergoing quarantine at home including families of patients found to be positive for COVID-19.
2020-04-28 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
contact tracing will utilise artificial intelligence
2020-04-28 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Update of Guidelines on Social Gatherings and Events, Meetings and Training Sessions during the COVID-19 Situation
2020-04-28 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Guidelines for visiting Cemetery
2020-04-27 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
#VaccinesWork to raise awareness of the role of immunisation as one of the ways to protect people of all ages
2020-04-24 In Public health measures: General recommendations
General recs for health during Ramadhan
2020-04-16 In Public health measures: Testing policy
All foreign travellers arriving to Brunei Darussalam are also required to bear the cost of the COVID-19 laboratory testing of B$1,000.00 per individual. This is in addition to bearing the cost of self-isolation for 14 days as previously announced.
2020-04-14 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
Joint Ministerial Statement affirming commitment to ensuring supply chain connectivity amidst the COVID-19 situation
2020-04-12 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
Fake News awareness campaign. Individuals making fake news, if found guilty can be charge with three years’ imprisonment and a fine of up to BND3,000
2020-04-08 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
in its efforts in enhancing the surveillance of the COVID-19 outbreak in the country, MoH has conducted randomised testing especially among foreign workers as well as specific groups in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs. In this regard, the Ministry of Health would like to inform that for the purpose of this surveillance, a total of 374 tests have been conducted in which all tests results are negative so far.
2020-04-07 In Public health measures: General recommendations
It is advisable not to leave the house and to always use a facemask especially when needing to leave the house and to immediately seek medical treatment.
2020-04-05 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
All individuals arriving in Brunei Darussalam will be required to undergo self-isolation in facilities provided by the Government and will no longer be allowed to undergo self-isolation in their own home.
2020-04-01 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
construction of an extension of the virology laboratory located at Jalan Sumbiling, Bandar Seri Begawan will begin operations on 1 April 2020.
2020-03-28 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
Ministry of Health will send test results via SMS as soon as their test results are available. The initiative started on 28 March 2020 and is still in its trial phase.
2020-03-27 In Movement restrictions: Checkpoints within the country
body temperature checks and providing hand sanitisers at entry areas of malls and shops
2020-03-23 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
no foreign nationals will be allowed entry to Brunei Darussalam whether by land, sea or air until further notice and this prohibition includes foreign nationals entering the country for transit.
2020-03-22 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
Conditions for self-isolation at home-space. If you break Quarentine Order or Self-Isolation notice, fined up to $ 10,000 or imprisonment for up to 6 months or both.
2020-03-21 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
"To accommodate the growing demand of laboratory tests for COVID-19, His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam has consented to the construction of an additional virology laboratory"
2020-03-21 In Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Shorten operating hours for Immigration Control Posts for land transportation.
2020-03-20 In Public health measures: Health screenings in airports and border crossings
All passengers arriving in Brunei Darussalam through the Brunei International Airport are required to do a 14-day isolation AT APPOINTED MONITORING CENTERS. The difference between this government measure and the previous one is that there are now government-mandated locations where self-isolation must occur. In the 20 March Statement by Brunei Darussalam Ministry of Health, more announcements were made regarding the price for citizens and non-citizens, etc.
2020-03-20 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
Expanding upon rules regarding mandatory isolation that were set to start 20 March 2020, "the arrival of visitors and foreign workers are not encouraged at the moment. Any foreign workers arriving in Brunei Darussalam is required to borne all isolation costs, including accommodation, meals and all other related costs." Additional costs of mandatory isolation facilities are outlined in this announcement.
2020-03-19 In Public health measures: General recommendations
Employers (particularly private sector) should give their full cooperation to facilitate the measures under Quarentine Orders and Self Isolation Notices.
2020-03-18 In Lockdown: Partial lockdown
All cinemas closed.
2020-03-18 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
Government launches "Telegram"; a messaging app so the government can disseminate information and advice on COVID-19.
2020-03-18 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
all dining establishments including restaurants, cafes, foodcourts, food markets and similar are currently forbidden from serving food on their premises, and are only allowed to provide take-away service to customers
2020-03-17 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
Expanding upon ban to visitors from the Hubei province of China and Iran, the ban is also now extended to any visitors who were in Europe within the last 14 days.
2020-03-17 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
All visitors are required to do a 14-day self-isolation from the moment they arrive.
2020-03-16 In Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
All citizens and residents are restricted from leaving the country.
2020-03-14 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
individuals arriving from Iran, Italy, as well as China’s Hubei, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu provinces.
2020-03-14 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
2020-03-13 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
"All mass gatherings are temporarily prohibited."
2020-03-10 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
Following the introduction of the first case of COVID-19 in Brunei, the MoH made a statement regarding national quarentine policies. This includes that anyone who came in contact with a confirmed case is required "to undergo mandatory isolation and their health status monitored".
2020-03-10 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
2020-03-10 In Social distancing: Schools closure 
2020-03-09 In Public health measures: General recommendations
Brunei Ministry of Health has developed their website to give daily updates and recommendations, including an official statement every day on the state of the virus and government measures. Press statements became daily after the first confirmed case in the country was diagnosed on 9 March 2020. The statements include daily reminders to the public to practice good hygiene, remain calm, and information regarding any resources they may need.
2020-01-30 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
"whomsoever has been found to breach or refuse any order that has been issued by the Ministry of Health such as hosting gatherings at any place that has been forbidden or leaving the place of quarantine at any point in the quarantine period, will have found to be in violation of the Infectious Diseases Act (Chapter 204) and is punishable with a fine of up to $10,000, or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or both. The Ministry will not be hesitant in taking legal action against any individual who has gone against the directives that have been issued."
2020-01-30 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
"Amendments to the Infectious Disease Act (Chapter 204) and its Regulations i.e. Infectious Diseases (Amendment of Schedule) Notification, 2020 dan Infectious Diseases (Quarantine) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 have gazetted. Under the Act, anyone who, or suspected to be, a case, carrier or contact of an infectious disease may be required to undergo medical examination or medical treatment either in hospital or any other place as determined by the Director-General Ministry of Health. Failure to comply to this provision is an offence under this Law and the person may be ordered to be transferred to a hospital or another place where he can be detained and, if necessary, isolated until examination or treatment has been undertaken... As such, the person may be fined to up to $10,000 or imprisoned for a period of not more than 6 months or both (first offence). For a second offence, may be fined to up to $20,000 or imprisoned for a period of not more than one year or both."