Filter for Bhutan Government Actions to Stop the Spread of Coronavirus

Date | Description Link
2020-07-01 In Movement restrictions: Checkpoints within the country
Checkpoints for fever screening between border districtions
2020-07-01 In Movement restrictions: Additional health/documents requirements upon arrival
Documentation of contact info and travel histoy of all travelers
2020-07-01 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Ensure adequate supply of PPE, essential medicines, test kits, etc.
2020-07-01 In Public health measures: Testing policy
Regular testing of high-risk communities and frontline responders along borders + symptomatic individuals
2020-07-01 In Public health measures: Requirement to wear protective gear in public
mandatory use of face masks
2020-06-25 In Public health measures: Health screenings in airports and border crossings
Any travelers entering Bhutan, fulfilling the case definition of a "Suspected case", will be subjected to COVID-19 test
2020-06-25 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
Any travelers entering Bhutan, fulfilling the case definition of a "Suspected case", will be quarantined for laboratory confirmation and isolated until proven negative
2020-05-18 In Public health measures: Testing policy
sero-surveillance using rapid antibody test kits
2020-05-18 In Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established
"Strategy for Engaging High-risk Communities for COVID-19 Prevention & Control" in five Southern Dzongkhags(districts) including Samdrup Jongkhar, Sarpang, Dagana, Chukha and Samtse
2020-05-13 Out Lockdown: Partial lockdown
Simplified government procurement rules for procurement of works under #COVID19 situation’ to expedite procurement of works identified under Economic Contingency Plan only for agriculture, tourism, Build Bhutan Project and farm road improvement.
2020-05-12 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
MOH instituting an enhanced program for nursing and allied health services. To meet professional development and growth needs while streamlining the functioning of various public healh and medical services programs in MOH
2020-05-08 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
VegetablesOnWheels program to get nutritious foods while encouraging social distancing
2020-05-07 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
the DOs and DON’Ts at a quarantine facility
2020-05-06 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
To supplement the Druk Trace App, and specifically for people who don’t own a smartphone or a phone, MoH requests facilities frequented by the public (restaurants, hotels, banks, etc.) to maintain a log book of information of attendees
2020-05-05 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
STAYHOME APP -- To be used for individual who are quarantined (both home and facility). Must sent a selfie with location services on and symptoms following SMS alerts.
2020-05-02 In Movement restrictions: Curfews
General curfew extended with no announced end date
2020-04-29 In Public health measures: General recommendations
Routine immunization for your children should be continued even during COVID-19 pandemic to minimize the risk of further disease outbreak and loss of life due to vaccine preventable diseases
2020-04-28 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
DRUK TRACE APP. Scan in when you enter various complexes so they can easily track contacts if there is an outbreak in a public space.
2020-04-20 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
contact tracing app called "Druk Trace" mobile app
2020-04-14 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Persons with disabilities (under four thromdes, Thimphu, Gelephu, Phuentsholing, and Samdrup Jongkar,) are requested to get registered with MoH by calling 6060 or 2121 and other Dzongkhags will be covered by health facilities of the Dzongkhags. This is because with COVID-19 pandemic, certain populations, such as those with disability may be impacted disproportionately by the pandemic.
2020-04-14 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
Visiting hours for relatives wishing to deliver food and other essential items to quarantine facilities
2020-04-13 In Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established
COVID-19 Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Project. The project is financed by the World Bank and will operate for two years. The project supports emergency COVId-19 Response, enhanced risk communication and community engagement and health systems preparedness to strengthen surveillance, contact tracing and treatment of cases.
2020-04-03 In Public health measures: Health screenings in airports and border crossings
Ministry of Health has stepped up surveillance systems by testing individuals coming in from high-risk countries right after they land at Paro Int’l Airport, irrespective of whether they show symptoms or not.
2020-03-30 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
The quarantine period has been extended from 14 days to 21 days with effect from 31/03/2020. This will also apply to everyone who is in quarantine currently.
2020-03-30 Out Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
Procedures to release people from quarantine
2020-03-23 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
New quarantine rules for all Bhutanese travelling into the country. Individuals/parties failing to comply with this Notification shall be liable for offence of criminal nuisance. Zero tolerance approach towards defaulters.
2020-03-23 In Movement restrictions: Border closure 
closing all its border gates for a brief period with effect from 23.03.2020
2020-03-22 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Hostel in Phuntsholing is fully furnished as designated isolation facility for COVID-19
2020-03-19 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
1 meter or 3 ft distance
2020-03-14 In Movement restrictions: Additional health/documents requirements upon arrival
Travelers are requested to provide necessary travel advisories
2020-03-14 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
All incoming travelers to Bhutan may be advised to home quarantine or places in hospital isolation ward. Asymptomatic travelers have mandatory home quarantine for 14 days.
2020-03-08 In Social distancing: Schools closure 
all schools in Wangduephodrang Dzongkhag and Phuentsholing Thromde will remain closed from March 9 to 15.
2020-03-07 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Free hand sanitizers
2020-03-06 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Quarantine facility identified and fully furnished at Rinpung campus, old Teacher Training Center under Paro NIE.
2020-03-06 In Social distancing: Schools closure 
closure of schools and institutes in Thimphu, Paro and Punakha for two weeks with effect from March 6.
2020-03-06 In Movement restrictions: Additional health/documents requirements upon arrival
Health declaration forms
2020-03-06 In Movement restrictions: International flights suspension
government will impose two weeks restriction on all incoming tourists with immediate effect. This is to enable rigorous monitoring, source assessment of infection and mitigate the situation.
2020-01-31 In Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
In-country and out-country travel restrictions
2020-01-29 In Public health measures: General recommendations
Travel advisory for Bhutanese travelers to Wuhan City, China
2020-01-29 In Public health measures: General recommendations
general hygiene recommendations
2020-01-29 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
Monitoring travelers from Wuhan