Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions People may now travel anywhere around the country of ireland (before they were limited to certain distances from their home, first 5km then 20km - now there is not limit within the boundaries of the island of ireland.) Tourist travel to offshore islands may resume. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings Indoor gatherings of up to 50 people when conducted in line with public health advice are permissible. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings Outdoor gatherings of up to 200 people when conducted in line with public health advice are permissible. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings Sporting activities may recommence, including: team leagues for adults and children; close contact sports; organised sporting spectator events and fixtures |
Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services The following places may reopen: all adult education facilities; creches, childminding facilities and pre-schools; summer camps; youth clubs; all indoor and outdoor amenities for children |
Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services The following may reopen: wellbeing services - for example: chiropractic, massage therapy, acupuncture, reflexology and homoeopathy; hairdressers, barbers, nail and brow salons, beauty salons, spas, make-up application services, tanning, tattooing and piercing services; driving schools; all remaining retail (for example, bookmakers), services and commercial activities |
Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services The following may reopen: cafés and restaurants providing on premises food and beverages; pubs and hotel bars operating as restaurants; hotels, hostels, caravan parks and holiday parks |
Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services The following may reopen: museums, galleries, theatres, concert halls and other cultural outlets; cinemas, music venues (excluding nightclubs and discos), leisure facilities, bingo halls, arcades, skating rinks, amusements parks; religious buildings and places of worship |
Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services The following may reopen: indoor gyms and exercise facilities; yoga, pilates and dance studios; sports clubs and public swimming pools |
Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services Tour, event and private bus use, and vehicle hire may recommence. |
Public health measures: General recommendations Face coverings are recommended for public transport, retail outlets, and other places where it is difficult to maintain social distancing |
Public health measures: General recommendations all non-essential overseas travel should be avoided |
Public health measures: General recommendations If you are over 70 or medically vulnerable, please use your judgement to decide how best to apply the following health guidance: stay home as much as you can; maintain social distancing with visitors/those whom you visit and use face coverings; use the times specially allotted for shopping; use face coverings when attending shops or busy public areas. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings Anyone who can work from home should continue to work from home wherever possible. |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies passengers arriving from overseas are expected to self-isolate for 14 days. passengers will also have to complete a form showing where they will self-isolate |
Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced Specific recommendations apply to singing, choirs and playing musical instruments in groups. All are subject to the Phases 3 and 4 restrictions on numbers for public gatherings and other important public health advice. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings When taking public transport: social distancing means that overall capacity remains restricted; use public transport only for essential journeys; face coverings should be worn; avoid peak-time travel |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies Passengers arriving from outside the island of Ireland are expected to self-isolate for 14 days. Passengers will also have to complete a form showing where they will self-isolate. |
Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring The Guardai (police) in ireland can no longer enforce criminal penalties for the breaching of movement regulations. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings People can now gather for social or recreational purposes in other people’s homes, subject to a maximum of 6 people at such a gathering |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings People can exercise outdoors with others or gather outdoors with others for social and recreational purposes, subject to a maximum of 15 people. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings Up to 25 immediate family and close friends may attend funeral services. |
Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services Public libraries can reopen. |
Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services All retail is now open and people are encouraged to shop locally and support local business |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings People are still encouraged to work from home where possible. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings People are encouraged to walk/cycle if they can and to avoid public transport unless absolutely necessary. |
Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions People can now travel within a 20 kilometre radius of our homes or anywhere within their own county for social and recreational purposes. This includes travel and leisure. |
Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions People may travel outside of the 20km geographical limits for visits to vulnerable persons. |
Social distancing: Schools closure School and college buildings may reopen for teachers and lecturers to facilitate remote learning |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings A phased return of outdoor workers (for example: construction workers, gardeners, including people working on allotments) will be allowed. Social distancing requirements continue to apply. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings Outdoor sports and fitness activities in groups of no more than four are permitted within 5km of your home and providing there is no physical contact. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings Up to 4 people who don’t live together can meet outdoors while keeping at least 2 metres apart. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings It is now possible to participate in a range of sporting activities in groups of no more than 4 people within 5 kilometres of the households of those involved. Follow link to see list of sports. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings There will be increased delivery of non-COVID-19 care and services alongside COVID-19 care |
Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services Outdoor public amenities and tourism sites, such as carparks, beaches and mountain walks may reopen as well as outdoor public sports amenities, like playing pitches, tennis courts and golf courses. |
Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services The following businesses are permitted to reopen under social distancing guidelines: hardware stores; builders merchants and those providing essential supplies and tools for gardening; farming and agriculture; garden centres and farmers markets; Opticians/Optometrists/Outlets providing hearing test services, selling hearing aids and appliances; retailers involved in the sale, supply and repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles and related facilities (for example, tyre sales and repairs); office products and services; electrical, IT and phone sales, repair and maintenance services for home. This does not include homeware stores |
Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services Outdoor spaces and tourism sites (for example: car parks, beaches, mountain walks) are open where people can move around freely and where social distancing can be maintained. |
Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established From 18 May the Department of Children will oversee the provision of childcare in the homes of 5,000 essential healthcare workers. |
Public health measures: General recommendations Irish gvmt recommends wearing a cloth face covering in situations where it is difficult to practice social distancing, e.g. in shops or on busy public transport. |
Public health measures: General recommendations You may choose to wear a cloth face covering: when staying 2 metres apart from people is difficult - for example, in shops, shopping centres or public transport; in an enclosed space with other people. Cloth face coverings are made from materials such as cotton, silk, or linen. |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system There will be increased delivery of non-COVID-19 care and services alongside COVID-19 care to meet demand through: implementing measures to ensure safe delivery of COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 care and services side by side; continuing to deliver care and services in new ways (for example: through telephone, online, virtual clinics) and new models of care to meet demand and to alleviate concerns of patients, service users and healthcare workers; the use of masks, personal protective equipment, testing and other measures that may emerge over time; continuing to support the mental health and wellbeing initiatives directed to meeting the diverse mental health and resilience needs of the public during these times. |
Public health measures: Amendments to funeral and burial regulations Attendance at funerals is kept to a maximum of 10 people - and only members of the household, close family or close friends if the deceased has no household or family members. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures The covid-19 unemployment benefit will be extended beyond mid-June. End date undefined as of yet. |
Public health measures: General recommendations Those who are cocooning can leave their homes for exercise so long as they avoid all contact with other people |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings People will be now be able to go up to 5 kilometres from their home to exercise (before the limit was 2km). |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system a census of mortality across all LTRC facilities to be carried out this weekend to cover all deaths, COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 since 1 January 2020, regardless of where the death occurred |
Public health measures: Testing policy Over next 7-10 days testing of staff and residents in all Long-Term Residential Care (LTRC) facilities to be prioritised |
Social distancing: Schools closure Junior certificate sttae exams will now be replaced by school-based exams and assessments which will take place early in the new school year. Leaving certificate state exams (university entrance determining exams) will will be moved to the last week of July or early August with a final decision on dates to be made subject to the public health advice in June. |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown All public health measures introduced which were due to end the 12th of April, will be extended until a further 3 weeks, until the 5th of May. |
Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring The Gardaí Síochana’s (police) power to enforce COVID-19 restrictions, which came into effect on 8th April, will also be extended until 5th May. Gardai have the power to arrest and detain individuals breaking the restrictions, with a max sentence of 6 months and fine of 2500 euro. |
Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring The Gardaí (Irish police) have been granted powers to enforce restrictions on public life in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Breaching the regulations may result in a fine of up to €2,500 or imprisonment for up to six months. |
Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring Staff screening will start in nursing homes twice a day. |
Public health measures: Testing policy COVID-19 testing will be prioritised for nursing home staff. |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system The HSE will provide access to PPE, expert advice and training to nursing home staff and each nursing home will be identifying a COVID-19 lead. |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system Medical products regulations 2020 was signed allowing the electornic tranfer of a prescription to a pharmacy via an approved electronic system. |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system The maximum period of validity of a prescription is increased from 6 months to 9 months as of the date specified on the prescription. |
Public health measures: General recommendations Local authorities will relax on-street parking laws to meet the travel needs of essential workers |
Socio-economic measures: Humanitarian exemptions pharmacists are to be allowed by law to dispense medicines outside the dates spelled out in prescriptions according to their own professional judgement |
Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established Manufacturers will be called on to adapt their manufacturing capacity to produce personal protective equipment (PPE), equipment, masks and other essential products for national market, including hand gels and other essential medicines and products by pharmacies |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown Ireland has enforced a partial lockdown. People may only leave their homes for 3 reasons: to travel to or from work if you are providing an essential service; to shop for food; to collect medical prescriptions and medical supplies and attend medical appointments; to carry out vital services like caring (including family carers); for brief individual exercise - within 2 kilometres of your house keeping 2 metres away from others for social distancing; for farming. |
Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services All non-essential surgery, health procedures and other non-essential health services are postponed |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings All visits to hospitals, residential healthcare centres, other residential settings are prisons are stopped with specific exemptions on compassionate grounds |
Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions There will be a nationwide restriction on travel outside of 2 kilometres from your place of residence, except for the certain exemptions. |
Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions Public transport and passenger travel will be restricted to essential workers |
Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions Travel to Ireland’s offshore islands is limited only to residents of those islands |
Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions The arrival of personal non-national maritime leisure vessels is banned (except to exceptions as ’port in a storm’). |
Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services all theatres, clubs, gyms/leisure centres, hairdressers, betting shops, marts, markets, casinos, bingo halls, libraries and other similar outlets are to shut |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings all hotels to limit occupancy to essential non-social and non-tourist reasons |
Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services all non-essential retail outlets are to close to members of the public and all other retail outlets are to implement physical distancing |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings all cafes and restaurants are to limit supply to take away food or delivery |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings all sporting events are cancelled, including those behind closed doors |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings all playgrounds and holiday/caravan parks will close |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings all places of worship are to restrict numbers entering at any one time to ensure adequate physical distancin |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings all organised social indoor and outdoor events of any size are not to take place |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings Social gatherings of individuals outdoors should be no more than four persons, unless all are from the same household. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures The COVID Unemployment Payment is being raised to €350 a week. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures The COVID Illness Benefit will also increase to €350 per week and can be topped up by employers. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures In order to encourage employers and companies badly affected by the Emergency to keep staff on the payroll, a wage subsidy scheme will be introduced to co-fund 70% of the cost of salaries up to a maximum of €38,000 a year. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Covid Bill will freeze rents and prevent eviction for the duration of the emergency. |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system Private hospitals will operate effectively as public hospitals under Section 38 of the Health Act for the duration of the Emergency thus adding over two thousand beds. |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Covid Bill will make it easier for health care professionals to re-register and return to work and enable former members of our Defence Forces to rejoin at the rank they left. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings individuals should work from home unless attendance at workplace is absolutely essential. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings All non-essential indoor visits to other persons’ homes should be avoided. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings All crowded places, including public amenities, should be avoided. |
Movement restrictions: Border closure All scheduled cruise ship travel will cease (thus partial border closure). |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Measures put in place in coordination with 5 retail banks (AIB, Bank of Ireland, KBC, Permanent tsb and Ulster Bank) to support individuals and businesses affected by covid-19. |
Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services All pubs across Ireland to close until at least the 29th of March |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures All employees and self employed who have lost emplyment due to covid-19 are entitled to Pandemic Unemplyment Benefit, a flat rate of 203euro per week, for up to 6 weeks |
Social distancing: Schools closure All schools at all levels are closed until 29 March |
Public health measures: General recommendations Reduce social interactions, distance kept of 2 m, do not shake hands, etc. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings Limit of more than 100 people gatherings indoor and more than 500 people outdoor. All state run cultural instituions are closed |