Filter for Jordan Government Actions to Stop the Spread of Coronavirus

Date | Description Link
2020-09-01 Out Social distancing: Schools closure 
Schools will reopen as usual on sept. 1, 2020
2020-08-15 Out Movement restrictions: Curfews
the Jordanian Government adjusted the curfew for Jordanian citizens to 12 a.m. (midnight) starting Saturday August 15, 2020.
2020-08-11 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
On August 11, 2020, the Jordanian Government adjusted the curfew for economic establishments (defined as shops, restaurants, and other businesses providing services) to 11 p.m.
2020-08-05 In Movement restrictions: International flights suspension
Jordanian authorities announced on Tuesday, August 4, that they have postponed the resumption of international flight services indefinitely. International commercial flight operations were planned to resume on Wednesday, August 5, but were postponed due to a global increase in coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases. Repatriation flights may continue to operate.
2020-08-05 In Movement restrictions: Curfews
A curfew remains in effect in Jordan between the hours of 00:00 to 06:00 (local time).
2020-07-16 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
AMMAN - The Ministry of Health, in cooperation with World Health Organisation (WHO), on Wednesday launched a national survey to determine the level of social immunity to the coronavirus in the Kingdom.
2020-07-12 In Movement restrictions: International flights suspension
July 12, the Government of Jordan announced that regular commercial international flights will remain suspended at least through July 24.
2020-07-12 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
The Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) has issued health and safety instructions for entering parks and public facilities, which were reopened on Sunday from 8am until 8pm. Deputy Director of Agriculture and Health Affairs at GAM Mervat Mheirat said that the decision to set working hours for parks and public facilities comes in the context of the ongoing midnight curfew mandated by the government.
2020-06-06 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
sports events will be permitted without spectators and worship places, restaurants, nurseries, cafes, and hotels will be allowed to reopen.
2020-06-06 Out Movement restrictions: Curfews
June 6. From this date, the nationwide curfew will be shortened, running from midnight until 06:00 (local time)
2020-06-06 Out Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
inter-provincial travel will be permitted.
2020-05-29 In Movement restrictions: International flights suspension
On May 29, the Government of Jordan announced that airports in Jordan will remain closed through July 1, 2020.
2020-05-26 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
From 26 May, civil servants will return to work.
2020-05-25 Out Lockdown: Partial lockdown
March 24, the Jordanian government announced it would relax restrictions in the nationwide indefinite lockdown due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Citizens were previously unable to leave their homes for any reason, though as of Wednesday, March 25, they may leave their homes from 10:00 to 18:00 (local time) to go to grocery shops, bakeries, pharmacies, and corner shops, though on foot only.
2020-05-25 Out Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Jordan will hold Independence Day events across the country on Monday, May 25. Multiple military parades are planned in the capital Amman, and in Irbid and Aqaba provinces between 17:00-18:30 (local time), to commemorate the 74th anniversary of the kingdom’s independence. Additional public observances are expected nationwide; however, due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, normal gatherings and celebrations must not contradict the steps and procedures in place to contain the pandemic. As such, social-distancing rules, such as keeping 1.5 m (5 ft) apart and the nationwide overnight curfew between 19:00-08:00 (local time), must be upheld.
2020-05-25 In Movement restrictions: Curfews
Regular (8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.) curfew restrictions will resume on Monday, May 25 with the odd/even vehicle usage system.
2020-05-23 In Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
Eid-Al-Fitr holiday will take place from Saturday morning, May 23. The use of vehicles is prohibited from May 23-25. * except: medical staff, epidemiological teams and a limited number of employees working for vital services. following on teh 26th, vehicles will be permitted but all governorates must follow the even/odd license plate policy.
2020-05-23 Out Movement restrictions: Border closure 
All land and sea crossings are closed except for cargo vehicles. Until 23/05/2020
2020-05-12 Out Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
Limitations placed on all forms of public transportation would be lifted, provided vehicles operate at 50 percent capacity and adhere to public safety measures.
2020-05-12 In Movement restrictions: Curfews
reduced, but comprehesive curfew will be imposed in the Kingdom every Friday until further notice.
2020-05-10 Out Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
the Government of Jordan will allow the use of vehicles irrespective of their license plate number from 8:00 am until 6:00 pm inside individual governorates only. Travel between governorates remains prohibited. Individuals under the age of 16 and older than 60 will not be allowed in cars. Private cars may carry no more than two people (one person in addition to the driver). Taxis may carry up to two passengers (plus the driver). People caught breaking rules will be quarantined for 14 days and could also face up to one year of jail time.
2020-05-08 In Movement restrictions: Curfews
the Government of Jordan announced it will impose another comprehensive curfew from Friday, May 8, at 12:01 am through Saturday, May 9, at 12:00 am. As with previous comprehensive curfews, no one should move outside the home during this period. Normal restrictions are in place from midnight to 8:00 am Saturday. People caught breaking rules will be quarantined for 14 days and could also face up to one year of jail time.
2020-05-07 In Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
even-odd license plate policy for drivers in Amman, Zarqa, Balqa, and Salt will remain in effect. Unless otherwise prohibited by the government, privately owned vehicles are allowed to move on alternating days between 8:00 am and 7:00 pm based on the last digit of the vehicle’s license plate. Cars with odd numbered license plates may move one day and even-numbered plates may move the next. Residents in the governorates of Mafraq, Madaba, Ajloun, Jerash, Aqaba, Maan, Tafilah, and Karak may use their vehicles, irrespective of their license plate number and without passenger limitations or age restrictions from 8:00 am until 7:00 pm unless a curfew is in place.
2020-05-06 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Most businesses would be permitted to reopen from Wednesday, May 6, although places of social gathering such as cinemas, restaurants, and places of worship remain closed.
2020-05-04 In Movement restrictions: International flights suspension
the Government of Jordan extended the suspension of regular commercial flights through May 25. Airlines may offer a refund or voucher to customers who purchased tickets on regular commercial flights through May 25.
2020-04-24 In Movement restrictions: Curfews
Throughout the Islamic holy month of Ramadan a nightly curfew from 18.00-08.00 is in place. Exceptions for movement restrictions will be made for emergencies, but require special permission applied for through the online portal.
2020-04-22 Out Lockdown: Partial lockdown
In governorates of Aqaba, Irbid, Karak, Ma’an, Mafraq and Tafila, which were previously on lockdown, people are allowed to move on foot or move by car outside of curfew hours. Entry and exit from these governorates remains prohibited, except for authorised persons.
2020-04-17 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
On April 17, Prime Minister Omar Razzaz issued Defense Order No. 9, which outlines a program for protecting businesses, freelance workers and daily wage workers and aims to benefit more than 400,000 households. The program covers Jordanians, Gazans and children of Jordanian women married to non-Jordanians.
2020-04-17 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
The government had adopted a number of economic measures to enable public and private sector employees to receive a certain percentage of their monthly wages while working from home or reporting for work. Under the defense order, the government decided to suspend all increases and allowances for public sector employees until next year, while deducting 10% from salaries exceeding 2,000 Jordanian dinars ($2,800) as a contribution to the treasury. Previous defense orders were criticized by the private sector for failing to provide businesses especially hurt by the shutdown with help from the government.
2020-04-14 In Lockdown: Full lockdown
impose a FULL 48-hour curfew from midnight April 16 (Friday 0:00) through midnight April 18 (ending Sunday at 0:00). No one should move outside the home during this period. For emergencies, call 911. Grocery stores and pharmacies are expected to open again on Sunday, April 19 at 10:00am per the normal restricted schedule.
2020-04-12 In Movement restrictions: Curfews
April 12, 2020, the Government of Jordan announced it will extend the general curfew through Thursday evening, April 30, 2020. Small grocery stores and pharmacies are expected to continue to operate within the hours of 10:00am-6:00pm daily unless otherwise announced, while some larger stores may open for limited hours. Government entities, public institutions, schools and universities will remain closed. For emergencies call 911.
2020-04-09 In Lockdown: Full lockdown
Jordan will enter a blanket 48-hour curfew from 00.00, 9 April to the end of 10 April.
2020-04-04 In Movement restrictions: International flights suspension
borders and airports will remain closed until after Ramadan, which is expected to conclude around May 23.
2020-04-02 In Movement restrictions: Curfews
48 hrs from 23.59 on Thursday 2 April until 10.00 on Saturday 4 April.
2020-03-31 In Movement restrictions: Border closure 
Queen Alia International Airport in Amman and all Jordanian borders will remain closed until after Ramadan.
2020-03-29 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Surgeries and medical exams will be suspended except for urgent cases.
2020-03-29 In Movement restrictions: Curfews
extended nationwide curfew (began March 21) now until April 15. The curfew prohibits the movement of people and closes most shops
2020-03-29 In Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
extended until 15.4.2020 Prohibition on all movement between governates. Public transportation is suspended.
2020-03-29 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
extended until 15.4.2020 Prohibition on gatherings of more than ten people.
2020-03-29 In Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
extended until 15.4.2020
2020-03-28 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
The Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) will allow a select number of banks nationwide to provide deposit and withdrawal services beginning March 28 from 10:00am to 2:00pm.
2020-03-26 In Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
amid full lockdown: small grocery stores and pharmacies are open daily from 10am-6pm for pedestrians only. Vehicle traffic is prohibited. The Government of Jordan launched the website so that customers can place food delivery orders.
2020-03-26 In Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
amid curfews, supermarkets will open online for delivery.
2020-03-25 In Movement restrictions: Curfews
Population aged 16-60 years allowed outside between 10am-6pm to go to small local shops.*Small shops allowed to open during these times
2020-03-25 In Movement restrictions: Curfews
As of 25 March, the authorities have arrested over 1,600 people for breaking the curfew. In addition, the government has announced that people caught breaking rules would be quarantined for 14 days and could also face up to one year of jail time.
2020-03-24 In Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
On 24 March, allowed to go on foot to their neighbourhood grocery shops from 10.00 to 18.00 amid the curfew.
2020-03-21 In Movement restrictions: Curfews
indefinite countrywide curfew. All domestic movement is prohibited and all shops, including those that sell food and medicines, are closed until further notice. Exceptions for movement restrictions will be made for emergencies, but require special permission. Authorities stated that on 24 March, they will announce regulations for shop openings as to allow patrons to obtain goods.
2020-03-20 In Social distancing: Changes in prison-related policies
The government also announced the release of 480 administrative detainees, 1,200 detainees in pretrial detention, and postponed the imprisonment of those unable to pay off their debts, 3,081 people, to reduce the risk of infection in prisons.
2020-03-18 In Movement restrictions: Checkpoints within the country
checkpoints placed around the capital Amman, other major urban centres and major thoroughfares. Manned by Jordan Armed Forces.
2020-03-18 In Lockdown: Partial lockdown
Government imposes Defense law. All public and private offices shut down for two weeks. Movement between cities and towns is stritcly prohibilited. Military is deployed to enforce regulations
2020-03-18 In Socio-economic measures: Military deployment
Government imposes Defense law. All public and private offices shut down for two weeks. Movement between cities and towns is stritcly prohibilited. Military is deployed to enforce regulations
2020-03-18 In Socio-economic measures: Military deployment
enforce restrictive measures
2020-03-18 In Socio-economic measures: State of emergency declared
Royal decree by King. Decree grants expansive powers to Prime Minister under Defence Law 1992
2020-03-17 In Movement restrictions: International flights suspension
All flights *except those carrying cargo, diplomats/international orgnaization personnel
2020-03-17 In Movement restrictions: International flights suspension
All flights to and from Jordan are suspended until further notice, excpetion of diplomatic missions and international organizations
2020-03-17 In Movement restrictions: International flights suspension
All international flights suspended. Goods still ongoing.
2020-03-17 In Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Prohibition of gatherings 10+ people, Public transportation is suspended, All institutions and business in the public and private sectors will be closed except for those deemed critical by the Government of Jordan.
2020-03-17 In Movement restrictions: International flights suspension
all flights to and from Jordan will be suspended as of 17 March
2020-03-17 In Movement restrictions: Border closure 
all land and sea border crossings are closed except for cargo traffic
2020-03-16 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
travellers arriving from France, Germany, Spain are banned from entry
2020-03-16 In Lockdown: Lockdown of refugee/idp camps or other minorities
Syrian refugees camps are put under lockdown with external visitors no longer permitted to enter
2020-03-16 In Lockdown: Lockdown of refugee/idp camps or other minorities
Syrian refugees camps are put under lockdown with external visitors no longer permitted to enter
2020-03-15 In Social distancing: Schools closure 
closure of all educational institutions for 2 weeks as of 15 March
2020-03-14 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
travellers arriving from China, Iran, Italy or South Korea or have been there 14 days prior to arrival are banned from entering Jordan
2020-03-14 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
suspension of public and social events including weddings and prayer services
2020-03-14 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
passengers arriving with symptoms have to quarantine for 14 days in a hospital in Amman
2020-03-14 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
all nationals returning have to undergo 14 day quarantine