Filter for Russian Federation Government Actions to Stop the Spread of Coronavirus

Date | Description Link
2020-08-01 Out Movement restrictions: International flights suspension
Russia plans to restart international flights to Britain, Turkey and Tanzania on Aug. 1 more than four months after closing its borders due to the coronavirus pandemic.
2020-07-23 Out Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
Russia will waive visa fees for foreigners when the country’s consulates and diplomatic missions reopen abroad, the Foreign Ministry has announced.
2020-07-19 In Public health measures: Testing policy
The Russian Defense Ministry said Monday that it has completed the first clinical trials of a potential coronavirus vaccine on human volunteers.
2020-07-15 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Russia’s movie theaters will reopen on July 15
2020-07-13 Out Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
Russia will no longer require foreigners without coronavirus to self-isolate for 14 days after arrival as the country looks to begin reopening to international travelers in the midst of the pandemic, according to a decree published Monday.
2020-07-09 In Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
All beaches in Moscow will be closed due to the coronavirus
2020-06-30 Out Movement restrictions: Border closure 
The republic of Chechnya has canceled its two-week quarantine requirement for individuals entering the region, its head Ramzan Kadyrov said at a meeting as quoted by Interfax. People entering the region will still be required to present negative coronavirus test results or to take a test at the border.
2020-06-26 Out Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
Russia will ease its ban on foreigners imposed due to the coronavirus to allow foreign specialists to enter the country, a government decree says. Specialists who meet the government’s requirements will be allowed a single entry into the country.
2020-06-23 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Starting Tuesday, Moscow’s indoor dining, fitness clubs, swimming pools and public sports and recreation facilities will reopen after being closed for months due to the coronavirus.
2020-06-23 Out Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
wedding registrations and ceremonies will resume in Moscow starting June 23, Deputy Mayor Anastasia Rakova said, with sanitary and social distancing requirements still in place.
2020-06-15 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
extended the period in which foreign nationals whose Russian visas expired after March 15 can stay in the country. Foreigners already in Russia will now have their visas automatically extended through Sept. 15.
2020-06-09 Out Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
Moscow will end its self-isolation orders
2020-06-09 Out Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
moscow ends digital pass system and schedule system for taking walks outside
2020-06-09 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
The city of Murmansk in Russia’s Arctic has opened a new coronavirus field hospital two weeks after breaking ground on construction.
2020-06-08 Out Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
Russia will begin re-opening its borders to foreign nationals, starting with foreigners who need to come to Russia for medical treatment or to take care of their relatives
2020-06-03 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Russian hospitals will be able to resume planned medical procedures, according to a decree signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. Hospitals which were converted to treat coronavirus patients may also return to their normal work depending on the coronavirus situation in their region.
2020-06-01 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
All non-food shops and some service sector businesses will be able to re-open
2020-06-01 Out Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
lifting restrictions on walks outside using a schedule system for apartment buildings
2020-05-26 In Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established
President Vladimir Putin has signed a law allowing Russians to vote by mail or online in a move supporters say will prevent the spread of the coronavirus and opponents claim will open the door to manipulation.
2020-05-22 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
People who violate lockdown orders in the Moscow region surrounding the capital will be punished with up to 100 hours of community service in hospitals
2020-05-12 Out Lockdown: Partial lockdown
the national non-working period will end for the entire country and for all sectors of the economy. Putin extended the regional governors’ authorities to impose restrictions during the outbreak and said doctors will have the "final say" on when to lift restrictions.
2020-05-12 In Public health measures: Requirement to wear protective gear in public
the wearing of facemasks and gloves is compulsory in all public areas from 12 May.
2020-05-06 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
APEC economies agree to keep markets open and trade flowing
2020-05-02 In Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established
*not official state of emergency* The high-alert level and ‘stay-at-home’ orders have been extended in all regions until 11 May.
2020-05-01 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
Russia has indefinitely extended its entry ban for foreigners, which was originally set to end May 1, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin
2020-04-27 Out Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
Russia will allow its nationals who hold second passports to leave the country amid the coronavirus outbreak, according to a government decree
2020-04-22 In Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established
Russia’s April 22 public vote on a package of constitutional amendments will be postponed until after the coronavirus outbreak is under control, President Vladimir Putin said in an address to the nation
2020-04-21 In Movement restrictions: Border checks 
At all checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation, Rospotrebnadzor conducts enhanced double control of people arriving from disadvantaged regions using stationary and portable thermal imaging equipment.
2020-04-21 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
A black market has emerged in Russia for an antiviral HIV drug being explored as a possible treatment for Covid-19, Reuters reported.
2020-04-21 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
special attention is currently being paid to disinfection measures in transport hubs and vehicles, special treatment regimes for premises, tableware and equipment in all catering establishments, as a result of which recommendations were prepared and sent to the Ministry of Transport of Russia and to the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
2020-04-15 In Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
Starting from 15 April, travellers have to obtain a mandatory electronic permit for essential movement around the capital Moscow. The permit is mandatory for all transportation modes.
2020-04-15 In Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
the Moscow City government implemented an electronic pass system to regulate vehicular travel within and into the city. The new rules apply to all movements via car, taxi, motorcycle, bicycle, scooter, or any form of public transit.
2020-04-13 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Subject to the decisions taken by the Operational Headquarters to prevent the importation and spread of new coronavirus infection in the territory of the Russian Federation, until April 30, 2020 all restrictions were extended, including the holding of international events. It was also recommended that federal executive bodies and executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation reduce the number of public events, including business, sports, cultural and entertainment, and, if possible, conduct them in video format or without spectators, allowing only extremely important and urgent events to be held
2020-04-06 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Russia’s health watchdog Rosdravnadzor has developed an "express" coronavirus test that can test at 94% accuracy within 40 minutes, the Industry and Trade Ministry said.
2020-04-05 In Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
The region will also suspend its road, rail, and air transport links with the rest of Russia starting on Sunday, April 5
2020-04-03 In Movement restrictions: Curfews
The Republic of Chechnya has closed its borders and suspended all land and air travel. A curfew has been implemented from 20.00 to 08.00 (local time).
2020-04-03 In Socio-economic measures: Military deployment
Russia has sent military medics and equipment to Serbia, the latest country Moscow is helping to fight the global coronavirus pandemic
2020-04-02 In Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
One of Moscow’s leading cancer hospitals, the Blokhin Cancer Center, has stopped admitting patients to chemotherapy sessions after one of the department’s medics tested positive for coronavirus. All of the chemotherapy department’s employees have been quarantined and its patients are under special supervision, the hospital said.
2020-04-02 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
Sobyanin signed a law imposing fines on Muscovites found to be violating the city’s self-isolation orders. Individuals will be fined up to 4,000 rubles ($50) for first-time offenses and up to 5,000 rubles ($63) for repeat offenses. Businesses will be fined up to 40,000 rubles ($500) for violating the order. Legal entities will be fined up to 300,000 rubles ($3,800) for first-time offenses and up to 500,000 rubles ($6,300) for repeat offenses.
2020-04-01 In Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established
Authorities have approved legislation imposing severe punishment - including up to five years in prison - for people convicted of spreading false information about the coronavirus. The legislation also imposes punishments for people breaking coronavirus quarantine rules, including up to seven years in prison.
2020-03-30 In Movement restrictions: Border closure 
Effective March 30, the Government of the Russian Federation announced that it will close Russia’s land borders to passenger transport indefinitely in order to combat the spread of coronavirus.
2020-03-30 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
Individuals within Moscow found to be infected with COVID-19 but who display only mild symptoms are to be treated under the supervision of doctors at home and will receive antiviral drugs.
2020-03-30 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
Several regions of Russia have enacted region-wide stay-at-home orders for residents, following suit with Moscow’s quarantine:
2020-03-30 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
Moscow: From 30 March, all people (regardless of age) in the capital Moscow and the rest of the Moscow Oblast should self-isolate at home until further notice. All non-essential movement in the city will be banned although entering and exiting Moscow will still be possible, and walking pets at a distance may not exceed 100 meters from one’s residence
2020-03-30 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
The Moscow healthcare department confirmed the newly introduced mandatory self-quarantine restrictions are applicable to all travellers arriving in the country. Short-term passengers will be quarantined for the period of their trip if less than 14-days; there are no restrictions on them taking their outbound flights. It is still unclear how this will be controlled and what the penalty will be for non-compliance.
2020-03-28 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
President Vladimir Putin has declared a nationwide PAID holiday March 28 to April 5
2020-03-28 In Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
no new guests will be accepted in Russian hotels from March 28 – June 1.
2020-03-28 In Lockdown: Partial lockdown
From March 28 – April 30, the Government of the Russian Federation has declared a "holiday" for all Russians in order to slow the spread of COVID-19. In Moscow, and many other cities, all businesses except for grocery stores and pharmacies will be temporarily closed. Restaurants may provide delivery services only. All individuals are strongly encouraged to stay home, except to obtain food, medication or emergency medical services.
2020-03-27 In Movement restrictions: International flights suspension
the Government of the Russian Federation ended all regular commercial airline flights. Limited charter flights continue to repatriate Russian citizens from abroad.
2020-03-26 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
March 26 – April 14, individuals who are 65 and older in Moscow must self-quarantine.
2020-03-24 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
CIS citizens as well as those who live in the breakaway separatist regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia are exempted from the travel ban from 24 March.
2020-03-23 In Movement restrictions: International flights suspension
Suspended a large number of international flights mainly to secondary cities and holiday resorts. However, charter flights to the capitals of at least 146 countries will temporarily continue to repatriate Russian citizens. Sheremtyevo-AS Puskin International Airport (SVO) is currently the only airport allowed to handle international flights and in addition travellers are restricted to use only one terminal.
2020-03-21 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
All the centers of hygiene and epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor in Russia are provided with diagnostic test systems for detecting a new coronavirus,
2020-03-20 In Movement restrictions: International flights suspension
Most flights to U.S, U.K and UAE
2020-03-18 In Movement restrictions: Border checks 
Movement through border posts with China, Mongolia, Poland, Norway and Belarus is restricted.
2020-03-18 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
Ban on all Foreign Travellers into Russia (Until at least 1 may) *except: citizens, diplomatic staff, international truck drivers, airline crews and existing visa holders entering Russia due to the death of a close relative.
2020-03-16 In Movement restrictions: Border closure 
Borders will be closed to all foreign nationals until May
2020-03-16 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Public indoor events limited to no more than 50 people
2020-03-16 In Movement restrictions: International flights suspension
Passenger flights suspended between Russia and EU member states
2020-03-16 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
14-day self Quarantines in place for those arriving from China and . Country specific Quarantines are also in effect in Moscow (see below)
2020-03-15 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
Banned entry of non-residents (except airline crew and official delegations) into Russia from China, South Korea, Italy and Iran.
2020-03-13 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
Temporary suspension of visa for Italians with diplomatic, business and humanitarian exceptions.
2020-03-05 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
Visitors should self-isolate for 14 days if they are arriving from China, South Korea, Italy, Iran, France, Germany, and Spain.
2020-01-01 In Public health measures: Health screenings in airports and border crossings
At all checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation, Rospotrebnadzor conducts enhanced double control of people arriving from disadvantaged regions using stationary and portable thermal imaging equipment.