Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions After 12 August, the advisory concerning unnecessary travel to Liechtenstein and Austria will be lifted. |
Public health measures: General recommendations Continue to work from home if possible |
Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions After 29 July, the advisory against non-essential travel to Denmark, Norway, Switzerland and the Czech Republic will be lifted. |
Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions The advisory against non-essential travel to other countries within the EU, EEA and the Schengen area, as well as the United Kingdom, will be extended until 12 August 2020. |
Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Utrikesdepartementet, UD) removes the advisory against non-essential travel to Andorra, Poland and Germany after the 15th of July. |
Public health measures: General recommendations people who have received a positive antibody test result can socialise more with family and close friends. |
Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions government extends the entry ban to Sweden to 7 July |
Public health measures: Testing policy Generous sampling and testing’ approach of elderly homes extended to all municipal-funded care and care for the elderly, as well as private-run businesses |
Public health measures: General recommendations Remove the advice against non-essential travel to the following countries: Belgium, Croatia, France, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland |
Public health measures: General recommendations Extension until 31st August: recommendation against travel outside EU |
Public health measures: General recommendations Extension until 30th June: recommendation against travel inside EU (with exceptions) |
Social distancing: Schools closure Secondary schools allowed to reopen again |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies Extended until 31st Aug.: national ban on visits to the elderly care |
Public health measures: Awareness campaigns With increasing travel, the basic hygiene measures become ever more important |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings Sport may restart but only outdoors and without crowds |
Public health measures: General recommendations People without symptoms free to travel Sweden domestically |
Public health measures: General recommendations Publication of good-practise guidelines for prevention of COVID-19 spread in elderly homes |
Public health measures: Awareness campaigns Guidelines on behaviour during summer period published, e.g. encourage use of bycycles for public transport |
Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced Swedish Work Environment Agency checks PPEs in social sector |
Public health measures: Awareness campaigns The frequency of press meetings is reduced |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings More restrictive licensing for demonstrations |
Public health measures: Awareness campaigns Around the false claims of products online to cure COVID-19, emphasising it is illegal |
Public health measures: Testing policy Everybody with symptoms to receive a free test (test at home kit or drive-in possible) |
Movement restrictions: Border closure Seasonal workers in the agricultural, forestry and horticulture sectors are added to the list of groups with essential functions in Sweden who can be exempted from the entry ban |
Public health measures: Awareness campaigns Corona prevention information in sign language |
Public health measures: Testing policy National plan for the testing as proof of recovery from Corona established; e.g. for persons without symptoms, test may be done earliest 7 days after positive result |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings Celebration at student flats is prohibited: Traveling on a truck or trailer that is towed by a truck, tractor or motor gear in connection with school closures, carnival trains or the like is not permitted |
Movement restrictions: Border closure Extension until 15th June: Temporary entry ban to the EU via Sweden |
Public health measures: General recommendations Extension until 15th July: Recommendation against travel abroad |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Pool for funding to municipalities to cover the additional expenses due to COVID-19 expanded to SEK 5 billion |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system To strengthen elderly care, employees in care of the elderly will be offered paid education and training during working hours |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system Changes to the priority setting and waiting lists of health interventions in hospitals |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system Government removes reporting requirements for municipalities and regions |
Public health measures: Psychological assistance and medical social work SEK 24 million to the regions to develop and strengthen digital contact channels to activities that receive patients with mental health issues. |
Public health measures: Testing policy Testing strategy now also includes focused testing of patients and health and medical care staff |
Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced Vulnerable persons can reach out to get support for their daily needs or getting their medications delivered through a network of actors |
Public health measures: General recommendations To rethink any use of the public transport system on whether the trip is necessary or could be taken with a transport type that is less risky |
Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established Government appoints national coordinator for clinical studies on COVID-19 |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Extension or reinforcement of 5 economic measures with an expected impact of SEK 14.7 billion: Higher ceiling for unemployment insurance benefits from day 101; Extended reimbursement for the first day of sickness (from May to September); Continued suspension of medical certificate requirement until September 30th; Central government responsibility for sick pay costs extended and adjusted until 30th September; Continued compensation for sole traders in case of sickness absence until 30th September |
Public health measures: Awareness campaigns Hygiene measures as most important approach in elderly homes and care institutions |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system National Board of Health and Welfare to allocate SEK 100 million to non-profit organisations for violence prevention |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Measure on reorientation support totalling SEK 39 billion; only certain companies eligible (To be eligible for the support, the business must have had a turnover of at least SEK 250 000 during the past financial year and a loss of turnover of at least 30 per cent.) |
Movement restrictions: Border checks Extension until 11 November 2020: internal border control |
Public health measures: Testing policy The Public Health Authority updated the national covid-19 diagnostic strategy to include, among other things, antibody testing that shows the passage of infection |
Public health measures: General recommendations Pregnant women with risk factors are recommended to be extra cautious |
Public health measures: General recommendations Recommendations and hygiene framework for school graduation celebrations |
Public health measures: Awareness campaigns That rumours around age determining access to ICU care is wrong |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures The Government has decided to change the requirements on Almi’s operations to facilitate investments in new and existing innovative companies as part of their economic corona measures |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures New places at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences to meet increased need for labour transition |
Public health measures: Awareness campaigns To avoid gatherings and celebrate the Walpurgis night differently this year |
Public health measures: Awareness campaigns Self-testing through online available kits strongly discourages, due to their non-reliability |
Public health measures: Awareness campaigns Information on risk groups updated; including behavioural recommendations |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Launch of initiative for green jobs for people who are far from the labour market. The initiative is aimed at mitigating unemployment linked to the ongoing outbreak of COVID-19. SEK 150 million has been set aside for 2020 |
Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established Bill on new powers to be introduced into the Communicable Diseases Act (enabling potential bans of gatherings, shopping centre closure, etc.); valid from 18 April until 30 June 2020 |
Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established Members of advisory reference group established |
Public health measures: Testing policy National strategy to increase testing presented |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system Increased testing for COVID-19 and grants to municipalities and regions (SEK 103 billion) |
Movement restrictions: Border closure Extension until 15th May: foreigners who are neither EEA nor EFTA nationals will continue to be prohibited from entering the country (exemption is prove of urgent matter) |
Public health measures: General recommendations Change of recommendation for youth sport; no general advice against youth sport activities, under certain conditions (only persons without symptoms) and with max 50 persons |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures The Government presents the 2020 Spring Fiscal Policy Bill |
Public health measures: General recommendations Extension: The Ministry for Foreign Affairs advises against travel to all countries up to 15 June 2020 |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system Field hospitals to be exempted from building permit requirement due to COVID-19 |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system Ban on taking more medications from pharmacies than you need for a period of 3 months. |
Public health measures: General recommendations For employers, general population, sport clubs, etc. on how to avoid spreading corona |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies Ban on visiting retirement homes |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Rent discounts for small companies in vulnerable sectors |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Crisis package for jobs and transition: Temporary reinforcement of unemployment insurance; More active labour market policy; More places and more distance learning at higher education institutions; More opportunities for vocational education and training throughout the country; Removal of income ceiling for student aid |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings Max 50 person gatherings in public |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system The Public Health Authority has, with the support of the Swedish Armed Forces, conducted an investigation into the occurrence of covid-19 in the Stockholm region. A second similar survey will be conducted between April 21 and 24, 2020. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures SME economic package, including easier loans, tax deferrals and cuts, social security contribution reduced; Almi Företagspartner AB receives SEK 3 billion capital injection to increase lending to small and medium-sized enterprises |
Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced Restaurants, bars and cafés throughout the entire country need to take special measures to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system Expansion of capacities of beds for intensive care |
Movement restrictions: Border closure For all non-EEA or Swiss citizen that travel to Sweden for non-essential travel |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures credit guarantees for Swedish airlines |
Public health measures: General recommendations Secondary schools, universities, municipal adult education and vocational adult schools recommended to close; with many institutions following track |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures SEK 1 billion to culture and sport; Credit guarantees for airlines due to SARS-CoV-2; Increased loan facilities and credit guarantees for Swedish businesses (implemented on 20.03.2020) |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Government assumes sick-pay; short-term work implemented; tax deferrals; |
Public health measures: General recommendations Recommendation against all non-essential travels |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures The Government appoints a coordinator in response to the impact of the COVID-19 virus on the business sector |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Macro-financial policies: reduction of the lending rate for overnight loans by 55 basis points to 0.2 percent; lending of up to SEK 500 billion to companies via banks; ntroduction of a new lending facility ; increase of purchases of securities; establishment of a swap facility of USD 60 billion; the possibility for banks to borrow in US dollars against collateral; easing rules for the use of covered bonds as collateral; temporarily recognizing all credit institutions under the supervision of the Swedish FSA as counterparties; gradual implementation from 13.03.2020 |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system Additional funding for relevant government agencies, including the Public Health Agency of Sweden, National Board of Health and Welfare, Swedish Medical Products Agency,Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings limit of public gatherings to 500 persons |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Crisis package for Swedish businesses and jobs |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Expansion of the National Board of Health and Welfare’s credit framework (SEK 235 billion) |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Sick day payment from day one, also for self-employed persons; the requirement for medical certificates is also waved |
Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established Crisis unit established |