Filter for Timor-Leste Government Actions to Stop the Spread of Coronavirus

Date | Description Link
2020-08-13 In Socio-economic measures: State of emergency declared
State of Emergency is in effect through 11:59PM, September 4, 2020
2020-06-26 Out Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
full freedom of movement within the country
2020-06-26 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
Borders remain closed to non-Timorese citizens with exceptions only for permanent residents of Timor-Leste, those born in Timor-Leste, and those responsible for transporting and releasing goods (with restrictions to remain in the "international zone" of airports, seaports, and land borders), those who are legal representatives of Timorese minors, and those who work on oil rigs in the Timor Sea.
2020-06-26 In Movement restrictions: International flights suspension
Regularly scheduled commercial flights remain closed, and international charter flights require prior approval by the Prime Minister’s Office to land in Timor-Leste
2020-06-26 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
many restaurants, government buildings, and markets still require handwashing upon entry, social distancing
2020-06-26 In Public health measures: Requirement to wear protective gear in public
many restaurants, government buildings, and markets still require mask wearing at all times.
2020-06-18 In Socio-economic measures: State of emergency declared
State of Emergency extended until June 26
2020-06-18 In Movement restrictions: Checkpoints within the country
enhanced screening and quarantine measures to reduce the spread of COVID-1
2020-05-29 Out Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
religious, sport, and cultural events are now also allowed
2020-05-29 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Reopening of public services, commercial activities, and markets.
2020-05-29 In Public health measures: Requirement to wear protective gear in public
required to protective masks covering mouths and nose, wash their hands, and maintain a distance of one and a half meters during these activities.
2020-05-29 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
Entry of foreigners into Timor-Leste remains prohibited, except for foreigners born in Timor-Leste, resident citizens, and legal representatives of minors of Timorese nationality.
2020-05-29 In Public health measures: Health screenings in airports and border crossings
Persons wishing to leave the country will be required to submit to health evaluations, particularly measurements of body temperature.
2020-05-29 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
All persons entering the country are required to undergo quarantine for at least 14 days, and if they exhibit symptoms of COVID-19, will be required to undergo diagnostic testing and, in positive cases, will be subject to therapeutic isolation.
2020-05-25 In Socio-economic measures: State of emergency declared
extend the State of Emergency which ends on May 27 for another thirty days
2020-05-21 Out Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
this agreement allows the transport of medical supplies, medical emergencies and the supply of essential goods and services to citizens and companies in the national territory
2020-05-21 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
Leaving no one behind in Timor-Leste’s COVID-19 response - Financial Support for the Implementation of the cash transfer scheme for low-income households
2020-05-08 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
Economic measures responding to the constraints and difficulties resulting from the decrease in revenues and incomes inherent in the slowdown of the economy due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and the risk of a spiral of non-compliance, which could have negative effects on the financial system and consequently on the real economy.
2020-05-05 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
Temporary budget appropriations for officials, agents and public administration workers who provide their activity in the prevention or control services of COVID-19, during the term of the state of emergency. Salary supplement varies between 5 and 25 U.S. dollars, for each effective working day of the beneficiary, during the term of the state of emergency, according to the degree of risk to which employees are exposed.
2020-04-28 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
prohibition on foreigners entering national territory is maintained, with the exceptions previously provided for and with the exception of all foreigners who conduct their professional activity in the oil sector.
2020-04-28 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
everyone in Timor-Leste is encouraged to applaud every week, on Tuesday, at 7 pm, for five minutes in their homes, starting next Tuesday, April 28, thus participating in the campaign "Applaud the tag Timorese Heroes". People should record these moments on video and disseminate messages, photographs, and videos on social networks, with the tag #Applaud4TimoreseHeroes.
2020-04-27 In Socio-economic measures: State of emergency declared
Renewal of the Declaration of the State of Emergency enacted by decree of the President of the Republic No. 32/2020, of April 27, to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. In view of the renewal of the declaration of the state of emergency, the Government through this Decree ensures its implementation by adopting the necessary measures that prevent the disease, contain the pandemic, save lives and ensure the subsistence of the supply chains of essential goods and services for our population, even if they may limit some fundamental rights and freedoms.
2020-04-22 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
Economic measures for health professionals, military personnel, security forces agents, agents of the food and economic safety authority, technical and logistical support personnel and personnel responsible for the collection and transport of solid waste as well as municipal market management who have implemented the measures enacted by the Government for the prevention and control of COVID-19.
2020-04-20 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
socio-economic plan to respond to the expected negative effects of coronavirus on the national economy, submitted by the Interministerial Commission to Combat COVID-19. The approved economic stimulus is essentially designed with the aim of protecting people, saving jobs, maintaining consumption and supporting private sector activity. The Plan includes a set of strategic measures, including the implementation of a universal money transfer system, which will ensure a basic monthly income for more than 214 000 households, the subsidy of up to 60% of the wage cost of formal sector employees who have to be quarantined or stay at home during the pandemic, the purchase of an emergency rice stock for three months to compensate for possible shortages during the pandemic, the allocation of subsidies to ensure national connectivity, the guarantee of air connection three times a week, ensuring crucial medical and emergency connections to Darwin, the subsidy for maritime freight transport to Ataúro and Oecússi and the extension of Port operations to 24 hours of the day, the partial exemption from the payment of electricity bills ($USD 15 per month) and exemption from the payment of water bills, social security contributions and state property rents. It also includes a credit program with reduced rates, credit guarantees for importers of essential goods and emergency loans, the implementation of a program to increase food supply on the south coast and measures to ensure the availability of agricultural, livestock and fishing inputs, the provision of scholarships to more than 4,200 Timorese students abroad and internet subsidies for students in Timor-Leste.
2020-04-08 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
The COVID-19 Fund aims to finance expenditure related to the prevention and fight against COVID-19. This Fund includes expenditure related to the acquisition of medicines, materials, medical equipment and essential goods, the installation and maintenance of quarantine and isolation sites, the training and operationalization of professionals involved in the prevention and fight against COVID-19, with social protection for victims of SARS-CoV-2 and other expenses related to the fight against the new coronavirus, including support and protection for Timorese citizens living abroad, who declare a proven lack of financial means to bear daily expenses and who depend on family income to subsist. The procurement process relating to expenditure financed by the Fund will be carried out in accordance with the Legal Provision Regime and the Public Procurement Code.
2020-04-08 Out Movement restrictions: International flights suspension
Government signs agreement with Airnorth to ensure continued air services connectivity. Under the agreement, Airnorth will operate three flights per week between Dili and Darwin for the transport of medical supplies, medical emergencies, and the provision of essential goods and services. The services will commence in the coming week, with the date of first flight to be this Friday, 10th of April.
2020-04-01 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
Expenditure related to the prevention and combat of COVID-19, with the necessary urgency and agility, namely expenditure related to aviation services, and with contributions to international organizations, before verifying the effective provision of services or delivery of goods. The resolution provides for expenses related to the acquisition of medicines and equipment to respond to COVID-19, payment of pensions and the payment of the lease of the facilities of diplomatic missions.
2020-03-28 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
economic recovery measures resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular for the creation of low-rate credit lines, for support to small and medium-sized enterprises and direct financial support for citizens and businesses.
2020-03-28 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
Compulsory isolation in a health facility or their homes applies to all those infected with the new Coronavirus until they are discharged, and all individuals who enter the national territory and all those under the supervision of the authorities will remain in isolation for a period of fourteen days.
2020-03-28 In Public health measures: Health screenings in airports and border crossings
All persons wishing to leave the country will be subject to health control, in particular by measuring body temperature or other means of diagnosis.
2020-03-28 In Public health measures: Requirement to wear protective gear in public
When entering commercial or service establishments all persons must wear a protective mask covering their mouth and nose
2020-03-28 In Social distancing: Schools closure 
all school activities are suspended on a face-to-face basis and the facilities of educational, education and vocational training establishments are closed, and teachers and students are prohibited from staying in the premises.
2020-03-28 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Those who are not in mandatory isolation or are exempted from fulfilling their duty of presence in their workplace should remain at home. If they need to leave, they should go out alone and keep a distance of at least one meter from other individuals, avoiding crowds. Meetings or demonstrations involving the agglomeration of more than five people and any social, cultural and sporting events are prohibited. It is also forbidden to hold any religious celebrations and other events of worship, while the holding of funerals is conditional on the adoption of prevention measures and should not allow for the presence of more than ten people simultaneously.
2020-03-28 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
During the duration of the state of emergency, collective passenger transport is suspended. Commercial and service establishments, markets and street vendors are allowed.
2020-03-28 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Locations where public services operate shall ensure that there is a minimum distance of one metre between persons and provide the necessary means so users and staff can wash their hands before entering the building.
2020-03-28 In Socio-economic measures: State of emergency declared
The state of emergency is in force between 00:00 hours on March 28, 2020 and 23:59 hours on April 26, 2020 and applies to the entire national territory. The measures adopted are taken with respect for constitutional limits and following the guidelines of the World Health Organization and the example of other States andseek to reduce the risk for new cases of COVID-19 in Timor-Leste. During the duration of the state of emergency, licences, authorisations, visas and residence permits, and other administrative acts and documents shall remain valid regardless of the expiry of their validity period.
2020-03-25 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
policy for reducing the negative economic impacts and for economic recovery resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
2020-03-23 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
School break, from 23 March to 28 March, is NOT TO PLAY, but to stay at home and comply with the hygiene standards that were published by MEJD and the MoH. BAN the movements of your children on the street.
2020-03-23 In Social distancing: Schools closure 
School break, from 23 March to 28 March, is NOT TO PLAY, but to stay at home and comply with the hygiene standards that were published by MEJD and the MoH. BAN the movements of your children on the street.
2020-03-20 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
prohibition of entry into national territory, to all foreign citizens who in the last four weeks have departed or transited through countries with registered cases of infection by COVID-19. It is also forbidden to disembark cruise ship passengers unless they are Timorese citizens or foreign citizens who are in one of the situations described.
2020-03-20 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
All nationals and foreign nationals covered by these exceptions, arriving in Timor-Leste by air, land or sea, shall be in voluntary quarantine for a minimum period of fourteen days and shall inform the authorities who are present at border posts of the place where they will be isolated.
2020-03-18 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
training of health professionals from all over the country, purchase of ventilators, preparation of isolation sites and hospital centers, health screening at border posts, among others
2020-03-18 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
activities to raise awareness of the population
2020-03-17 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
Government appeals to the population to Keep Calm in Relation to Pandemic COVID-19
2020-03-11 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
preparation of the sites for isolation, quarantine and treatment
2020-03-11 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
The General Directorate of Health Provision (DGPS), of the Ministry of Health, is monitoring the epidemiological situation under technical guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) and has worked closely with the National Health Laboratory, the Guido Valadares National Hospital, the authorities responsible for the control and management of ports of entry, as well as other structures to support the management of outbreak prevention and control measures in Timor-Leste.
2020-03-11 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
restriction of entry into national territory of foreign citizens, who in the last four weeks have left or been in transit in the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, the Italian Republic and the Islamic Republic of Iran
2020-03-11 In Public health measures: Health screenings in airports and border crossings
The General Directorate of Health Provision (DGPS), of the Ministry of Health, is monitoring the epidemiological situation under technical guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) and has worked closely with the National Health Laboratory, the Guido Valadares National Hospital, the authorities responsible for the control and management of ports of entry, as well as other structures to support the management of outbreak prevention and control measures in Timor-Leste.
2020-01-22 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
establishes health procedures and measures for the protection of public health, in order to prevent the international spread of diseases