Filter for Trinidad and Tobago Government Actions to Stop the Spread of Coronavirus

Date | Description Link
2020-08-08 In Public health measures: Testing policy
positive samples from the University of the West Indies site are sent to the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) to ensure quality assurance. "There has been a change in the way the reporting has occurred from the Trinidad Public Health Lab. In phase one of the epidemic, I would have been given reports on a real time basis directly by WhatsApp in the first instance, and followed by formal updates to basically what the test results were for every individual. Now I am receiving for over about five to seven days, a lag of seven days."
2020-08-05 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley is appealing to the public to adhere to all the COVID-19 guidelines set out by health officials as he says that Trinidad and Tobago cannot sustain another economic shutdown.
2020-08-05 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
Prime Minister given authority for the MoF to issue USD$200,000 to the relevant embassies to assist nationals who remain abroad.
2020-08-05 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
We are doubling up our monitoring of bars and restaurants on a daily basis. I have spoken to the Minister of National Security to speak to the Commissioner of enforce the law.’
2020-08-03 In Public health measures: Requirement to wear protective gear in public
The Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (AATT) says face masks are required at all terminals of the Piarco International Airport to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
2020-08-03 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Temperature screening takes place at airport entrances and before security check points;
2020-08-03 In Public health measures: Testing policy
"Trinidad and Tobago has employed what is called purposive testing. We have not been attempting to test random, asymptomatic individuals because that is not the best use of your resources and it gives you the wrong picture with regards to what’s going on in your population," he said.
2020-07-31 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
COVID-19 & Election Day: Wear masks, sanitise, all are welcome
2020-07-31 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Down from 25: only max of 10 allowed to gather
2020-07-31 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
public service will also be required to observe more stringent rules. He encouraged managers to reduce the numbers of workers at government offices at any given time by implementing an alphabetic or time-based rotation.
2020-07-29 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
Government is offering financial assistance to micro and small enterprises (MSEs) that earn less than TT$1,000,000 in annual revenues and were negatively impacted by the pandemic.
2020-07-20 Out Social distancing: Schools closure 
primary schools reopened on July 20
2020-07-20 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Thermal scanning, hand washing, the wearing of masks and social distancing are some of the measures implemented at primary schools since they reopened on July 20 to welcome students preparing for the Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) exam.
2020-07-08 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
The World Bank approved US$20 million for the Trinidad and Tobago COVID-19 Emergency Response Project to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and strengthen national systems for public health preparedness.
2020-07-07 In Movement restrictions: Border closure 
The Trinidad and Tobago government says it has no plans to rush towards reopening the borders of the country, which have been closed since March, in a bid to limit the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
2020-06-24 In Movement restrictions: Border closure 
Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley says the borders of the twin-island republic will remain closed as long as health requirements related to COVID-19 remain in place.
2020-06-24 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
transport will now operate at 100 percent capacity
2020-06-24 Out Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
congregation in public spaces will be increased from 10 to 25 people.
2020-06-18 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Trinidad Public Health Laboratory received a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) machine from the International Atomic Energy Agency last week.
2020-06-18 In Public health measures: Mass population testing
Testing will continue. All the community testing will continue. We have never stopped it."
2020-06-18 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
Ministry of Finance achieves a very successful International US$500M Bond Issue
2020-06-08 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
non-essential businesses such as spas and hair salons allowed to open June 8
2020-06-01 Out Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
Caribbean Airlines increasing domestic services between the islands of Trinidad and Tobago following the lifting of restrictions on domestic flights.
2020-06-01 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Malls were permitted to reopen on Monday on the condition that members of the public observe social distancing and wear face masks. Malls are still required to close at 18:00 (local time)
2020-06-01 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
retail outlets such as bookstores, dentists, opticians, and professional services were also permitted to reopen on Monday
2020-05-12 In Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
churches are not yet permitted to reopen
2020-05-12 In Lockdown: Partial lockdown
Trinidad and Tobago: Authorities to begin easing COVID-19 restrictions from May 12reopening of some business sectors but only under certain health conditions. Restaurants and other food establishments may reopen for takeaway and delivery services, but in-service dining and congregations of more than five people are prohibited. Hardware stores, pharmacies, and supermarkets will be allowed to operate 12-hours a day. Other measures will remain in place, including stay-at-home orders for those not undertaking essential work. schools and churches remain closed
2020-05-12 In Movement restrictions: Border closure 
borders to remain closed until june
2020-05-09 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
congregations of more than five people are prohibited
2020-05-09 In Social distancing: Schools closure 
Schools will remain shut until September
2020-04-20 Out Lockdown: Partial lockdown
From Monday 20 April, 2020 hardware stores, including electrical and plumbing establishments, shall only be open for sales to the public on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon. This measure shall remain in place until April 30, 2020.
2020-04-13 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
prepared convalescent centres for ambulatory COVID-19 patients
2020-04-09 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
assessment criteria rolled out for quality assurance of labs conducting covid 19 testing
2020-04-08 In Lockdown: Partial lockdown
Restricted opening hours have also been introduced for shops selling groceries, which will close at 18:00 (local time), and pharmacies, which will close at 20:00 (local time)
2020-04-08 In Public health measures: Requirement to wear protective gear in public
all of those undertaking travel to public spaces such as grocery shops and pharmacies will be required to cover their noses and mouths with facemasks.
2020-04-08 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Although religious gatherings are still permitted, these will be reduced from ten to five people.
2020-04-06 In Social distancing: Schools closure 
all schools closed to further notice
2020-04-06 In Lockdown: Partial lockdown
stay at home order which had been issued for the non-essential workforce on Thursday, March 26, extended until Thursday, April 30
2020-04-05 In Public health measures: General recommendations
cloth masks including homemade should be used to reduce spread; cloth masks recommended for public, surgical and N95 should be reserved for HC workers
2020-04-04 In Public health measures: General recommendations
Ministry of Health Recommends the Use of Face Masks to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19
2020-04-03 In Movement restrictions: Border closure 
As of Friday, April 3, Trinidad and Tobago’s borders remain closed until further notice and internal restrictions are in place amid the ongoing global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. All airports and seaports are currently closed to inbound traffic until further notice while the current entry ban applies to all travelers, including Trinidad and Tobago citizens.
2020-04-03 In Social distancing: Schools closure 
schools and universities are closed until Monday, April 20
2020-03-30 In Lockdown: Partial lockdown
Authorities implement stay at home measures as of March 30 due the COVID-19 outbreak;
2020-03-29 In Lockdown: Partial lockdown
stay at home order
2020-03-28 In Movement restrictions: International flights suspension
the country’s borders remain closed to all international flights until further notice
2020-03-28 In Movement restrictions: Complete border closure
All airports and seaports are currently closed to inbound traffic until further notice while the current entry ban applies to all travelers, including Trinidad and Tobago citizens. Reports further state that while there are no current restrictions on outbound travel, very limited flights are leaving the country.
2020-03-28 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
All Public Health Officials Required to Present Valid Identification (in response to people masquerading as officials to rob house)
2020-03-25 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
warnings against fake news
2020-03-22 In Movement restrictions: Border closure 
Effective midnight March 22, 2020 Trinidad and Tobago closed its borders until further notice.
2020-03-21 In Public health measures: Testing policy
The Ministry of Health advises that the decision was made to perform COVID-19 tests on all of the sixty-eight (68) nationals who recently returned from a cruise, as they were deemed to be in an extremely high risk category based on factors such as age, pre-existing conditions and exposure to other COVID-19 positive passengers.
2020-03-20 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
Additional financial support will be provided to NGOs that operate shelters to ensure that they are equipped to provide enough meals for this anticipated increase.
2020-03-20 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
T&TEC will immediately stop disconnections as a result of non-payment. This will directly impact 87% of residential customers, who are most likely experiencing financial vulnerability at this time;
2020-03-20 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
restrictions on hospital visitation
2020-03-20 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
The MSDFS, working with the Ministry of Health, the TTPS and the Local Government bodies will institute the "move along system" for street dwellers to come off the streets and go to shelters
2020-03-20 In Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established
The House of Representatives and the Senate will meet for Extraordinary Sittings on Friday 20th March, 2020 to debate the Miscellaneous Provisions (2019 Novel Coronavirus [2019-nCoV]) Bill, 2020.
2020-03-18 In Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
2020-03-18 In Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
The Ministry of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs Revised Procedures for Accessing Services
2020-03-18 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
additional support to persons receiving food support for an initial period of three (3) months as follows: ? $150 for households up to 3 persons ? $300 for households with 4­5 persons ? $450 for households with 6 and more persons
2020-03-18 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
all members returned from Caribbean cruise placed under immediate quarantine
2020-03-18 In Public health measures: General recommendations
refrain from unnecessary travel
2020-03-15 In Public health measures: General recommendations
Employees are advised that if you are not sick do not stay at home.
2020-03-15 In Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established
employers are required to implement Pandemic Leave provisions within their organizations
2020-03-15 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Where it is not possible for employees with children to work from home, recognized majority unions/employees and employers are required to explore options of shift work, staggered hours of work and/or rostering;
2020-03-14 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Public Health Inspectors will visit various public locations within communities where large gatherings are common (e.g. schools, supermarkets and malls) to advise key representatives on the necessary health care precautions.
2020-03-13 In Social distancing: Schools closure 
all schools closed for one week
2020-03-05 In Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established
standing Committee on the Novel Coronavirus
2020-03-03 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
Ban for travellers from Cina, South Korea, Italy, Iran, Japan and Singapore in the 14 days before arrival. Exempted residents and permanent residents.
2020-01-30 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
all foreign nationals traveling from or transiting through mainland China will be temporarily banned from entering TT effective immediately